Free PDF To Text Converter 1.0
A free utility to extract text from a PDF and save it in a TXT.
As a general rule, what is most interesting about a PDF is the text; so why not extract the text directly and save it to a TXT file? This is exactly what Free PDF To Text Converter does (also known as PDF Text Extracter).
In Free PDF To Text Converter you just indicate the PDF you want to extract the text from, and in a moment it will generate the corresponding TXT with it all in. You don´t need Adobe Acrobat to do this.
Free PDF To Text Converter is totally free. For it to work correctly you need to previously install .NET Framework.
DownloadFree PDF To Text Converter 1.0 related downloads
Adobe Acrobat Distiller Update 4.01

Create PDF files with Adobe Reader, with no limitations.